+1 818 240 1920
143 South Glendale Ave
Suite 200
Glendale, CA 91205 - USA
Solar Energy Development
Solar power is the electricity generated using the solar radiation from the Sun. Although solar power makes up a small percentage of global energy production, some countries use significant amounts of solar power. China and the United States lead the world in total solar energy capacity, whereas Germany is a country which obtains a large percentage of their electricity from solar energy.
The ability to harness sunlight and use that energy to generate electricity is achieved through a variety of methods. This article focuses on the use of photovoltaic cells and solar thermal power plants, however solar energy can also be harnessed for domestic water heating.
Washington Capital Global Finance help you:
If you have a solar thermal or photovoltaic power plant that needs to be built or improved, let us evaluate the project. We’ll promptly tell you what we can do to support your solar financing needs.
As of 2022, Washington Capital Global Finance has over 0.5Gw (500Mw) of solar energy developments constructed or in the pipeline.
Financing Process
At Washington Capital Global Finance, we can help you in your projects financing needs. Our underwriting experts and our connections within capital markets can identify financing sources, our feasibility study review and /or preparation can increase your leverage in securing the project financing through:
We begin the financing process with an in-depth analysis of the site, feasibility, and scale of project.
Land leases or acquisition. Building of package for submission, including approvals from governing bodies.
Negotiation of PPA (power purchase agreement), or sale to spot market. Secure interconnection rights of the transmission line.
Construction and connection to the grid. Start producing energy for sale.
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